These are data from 165 amplicons sequenced in two different runs of an Illumina MiSeq machine at the SWFSC lab in Santa Cruz. Genotypes of roughly 150 individuals were called an resolved into haplotypes using the fact that each short read comes from a single chromosome.
This tibble includes 825 alleles/haplotypes from 165 genomic regions and
is in the format of long_markers
. However since true positions
of these markers in the genome are not known, it is instructive to see from these data
how to insert them into the format of long_markers
. Simply the column
simply has "GTseq" in it, denoting that these are markers obtained from
a GTseq procedure. Locus
has the name of each locus in it. The column
has a simple index for each locus. They don't denote genomic positions, but they
are useful for sorting things if you run the data through reindex_markers
. The
column gives the sequences of each allele/haplotype observed in the population.