• Update pkgdown stuff
  • Add Mendelian incompatibility-tagging function
  • Use tibble instead of tbl_df
  • Also remove summarise that returns more than one row in some error checking of mendel-interface.R
  • Also count up some mendelian incompatilities in an example.
  • Added option to not write mendel standard output or standard error to screen. This can most easily be used by doing: options(CKMRsim.discard_stderr = TRUE) and/or options(CKMRsim.discard_stdout = TRUE) before running simulations using physical linkage.
  • Also, if you want to suppress the other messages coming from RCpp when using the linked marker simulation process, you can do options(CKMRsim.linkage_verbosity = 0). Note that the other messages coming out of simulate_Qij() can be suppressed with suppressMessages()
  • Passes CRAN checks.
  • Bug fixes in some of the RCpp types.
  • Rearranging column order in return tibble from close_matching_samples()
  • Fixing a C-stack issue that seemed to cause problems compiling the Example-1 vignette
  • Add the half-aunt-niece relationship
  • Add downloading of Mendel via R function. (Big improvement in reproducibility)


  • Pull request #4 from Brage Førland (4/30/21):
    • Bugfix: find_close_matching_samples() didn’t return the tibble!
    • Enhancement: With denom left as NULL, allow pairwise_kin_logl_ratios() to return the pairwise log-likleihoods (instead of always log-likelihood ratios).
    • Improvement: Modify create_integer_genotype_matrix() to account for loci included in the allele freqs tibble, but missing in a collection of compared individuals.