For illustration purposes, if you want to simply plot an ancestry matrix (or several) to show particular values, then this is the handy function for you.




input tibble with a factor or character column ID that gives the "name" of the ancestry matrix that will be used if you want to facet over the values in ID. And also X must have a list column anc_match_matrix each element of which is a logical ancestry match matrix. X may have a list column of tibbles called psa_tibs that says which cells are the primary shared ancestors.


plot_amm_from_matrix() returns a ggplot object: each facet is an image of the ancestry match matrix. It is facet-wrapped over the values in the ID column of X.


# get some input: all the 2-generation AMMs in `example_amms`
X <- example_amms[stringr::str_detect(names(example_amms), "2gen$")] %>%
    tibble::enframe(name = "ID", value = "anc_match_matrix")

# plot those
g <- plot_amm_from_matrix(X) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ ID)