This provides a short description of a few things that one should
know about how spip
life cycle
is a program that records time in discrete periods
that can be thought of as years. When individuals are born at time \(t\) they are considered to be of age 0 and
they have a birth year of \(t\). The
user must input to the program the maximum possible age of an
individual. Here, we will refer that maximum age as \(\mathrm{MA}\).
Within each year in spip
the following events occur, in
. With this value set to 1, for example,
semelparity can be enforced.It is worth noting that even though there are some \(\mathrm{MA}+1\)-year-olds around at the beginning of each time period, they all die during the episode of death, and, because they cannot be sampled during the sampling episode before death, it is like they do not exist.
The year in spip can thus be divided into three different periods between the demographic events/episodes:
We will use \(F_{t,a}^\mathrm{pre}\), \(F_{t,a}^\mathrm{pok}\), and \(F_{t,a}^\mathrm{por}\) to denote the number
of \(a\)-year-old females during the
prekill, postkill, and post-reproduction periods, respectively, of time
\(t\). The diagram below, showing these
numbers in relation to one another, along with notations of their
expected values should help users to understand the spip annual cycle.
The numbers of males change across time periods in a similar fashion.
Annotated in the above are the three distinct periods in spip’s
annual cycle: the prekill, postkill and
post-reproductive periods. When the output of spip is slurped
up by CKMRpop, these numbers become the respective tibbles (elements of
the output list of slurp_spip()
) of:
, census_postkill
, and
, respectively.
The expected numbers of individuals after each transition is as follows:
option) and \(d_a^F\) is the probability that an \(a\)-year-old female will die after engaging
in reproduction (even if no offspring were actually produced!), as given
in the --fem-postrep-die
option. This is an additional
source of death that is useful for modeling anadromous species whose
reproductive journey incurs a substantial cost.spip
annual cycle
The two main sampling schemes available in spip are keyed to these
different time periods within the spip annual cycle as shown by the
following figure:
involve sampling from the simulated
population at a different point in the year than do the
and --gtyp-ppn-male-post
It is also possible to only sample those individuals that are trying to
reproduce in a certain year using a third sampling scheme requested with
the --gtyp-ppn-fem-dur
and --gtyp-ppn-male-dur
options to spip. The probability that an individual would try to
reproduce in a given year is age specific and is set using the
and --male-prob-repro
It is worth noting that the pre
, post
, sampling options all occur relatively independently
(so long as sampling is not lethal—see the somewhat experimental
option). spip reports the different years
when an individual is sampled during the pre
, and dur
periods in the year. CKMRpop
preserves those times in separate lists when it slurps up the spip
output. For example slurped$samples
has the list columns:
, samp_years_list_post
, and
. For all downstream analyses, CKMRpop
uses the list column samp_years_list
, which, by default is
the same as the samp_years_list_post
. This means, at the
present time, you should use the options to sample individuals after the
episode of death using the the --gtyp-ppn-fem-post
Note that, in most cases when exploring CKMR, the user will want to
use the --gtyp-ppn-fem-post
options, anyway, because those are
samples from the adult population that are available for
If it is desired to sample all newborns at time \(t\), then currently the way to do that is
to sample 1-year-olds at time \(t+1\)
using the --gtyp-ppn-fem-pre
options. However, it would take some
extra finagling to get those sampling years into the
column referenced above for the downstream
TODO ITEM: combine sampling at all times into the single
column, perhaps, or make it easier for
users to decide how to combine those different sampling episodes. For
now, though, users should stick to using the
and --gtyp-ppn-male-post
. Migration in spip
is a
“two-stage” phenomenon: in the first stage, individuals leave a
population with sex-, year- and age-specific out-migration rates
specified with the population’s options --fem-prob-mig-out
and --male-prob-mig-out
. They leave each population before
the prekill census occurs and also before the prekill sampling occurs.
Diagrammatically, it looks like this:
Schematic describing the first stage of migration: migration out of a population. Each blue line shows individuals leaving the population and entering a pool of migrants.
The expected numbers of individuals in the pool of migrants who have left the population is given by the time- and age-specific rates set by the user. We will denote the outmigration rate for age \(a\) individuals at time \(t\) from a given population by \(m^\mathrm{out}_{t,a}\). It follows then that, for this given population: \[ E[F^\mathrm{out}_{t,a}] = m^\mathrm{out}_{t,a}F_{t-1,a-1},~a=1,\ldots, \mathrm{MA}. \]
In the following, we will want to refer to these outmigration rates for each population, so we may also adorn the notation, thus: \[ E[F^{\mathrm{out},i}_{t,a}] = m^{\mathrm{out},i}_{t,a}F^i_{t-1,a-1},~a=1,\ldots, \mathrm{MA}. \]
to refer to rates and sizes specifically for population \(i\).
After the outmigration stage, each population has a pool of migrants
that are waiting to migrate into other populations. The rates by which
this happens are specified with the --fem-prob-mig-in
options. These options set in-migration
rates for different years and for different ages, effectively setting
the fraction of the total number of out-migrated individuals from
population \(i\) of age \(a\) at time \(t\), \(F^{\mathrm{out},i}_{t,a}\), that will
migrate into the other populations. Thus, there is one number to set for
each population. For example, if there are \(K\) populations, we would have: \[
m^{\mathrm{in},i}_{t,a} =
\sum_{j=1}^K m^{\mathrm{in},i}_{t,a,j} = 1.
\] The probability of migrating back to the population from
whence one came is always 0. So, even if the user sets that to some
non-zero value, it will be forced to zero and the values of the
remaining in-migration rates will be re-scaled so as to sum to 1.
Given this set up, the expected number of individuals from the outmigrant pool from population \(i\) that will arrive in population \(j\), of age \(a\) at time \(t\) is \[ E[F^{\mathrm{in},i}_{t,a,j}] = m^{\mathrm{in},i}_{t,a,j} F^{\mathrm{out},i}_{t,a} \] And, so we can also write that entirely in terms of current population sizes and migration rates: \[ E[F^{\mathrm{in},i}_{t,a,j}] = m^{\mathrm{in},i}_{t,a,j} m^{\mathrm{out},i}_{t,a}F^i_{t-1,a-1} \]
So, this whole system of specifying migrants is a little more complex than a system whereby the user specifies the fraction of individuals in population \(j\) that originated from population \(i\). But, it does provide a lot more control by the user, as well as realism, in that the number of migrants into a population depends on the size of the donor population.