Problems to be done for “Homework Set 2”
These are a selection of exercises on coercion, recycling, and indexing, including indexing with names. For each problem, evaluate all the code in the code chunk (highlight it and hit CMD-Enter (or cntrl-Enter on a PC)) and then have a look at each of the variables involved before writing your answer.
Make sure your document still knits successfully before submitting.
Instructions For completing this homework can be found HERE
Homework Set 2, #1: “coerce-and-multiply”
# Joe R. Newbie is trying to compute the componentwise product of two
# vectors x and y, but is running into trouble. Here is what he has
# done so far:
x <- c(3, 9, 12, "16", 11.4)
y <- c(2, 15, 10, 7, 5)
# when he tries to multiply these he gets an error. Use an `as.` function
# to coerce x appropriately and then return the product of x and y.
For the following, recall from this lecture how to test for missing data.
Homework Set 2, #2: “do-stuff-with-NAs”
# z is a vector with some missing data values, and w is
# a vector of the same length with no missing data:
w <- sample(1:20, 10)
z <- sample(1:20, 10)
z[sample(1:length(z), 4)] <- NA
# return a vector that has all the non-NA values in z in the
# order in which they occur in z.
# <- put your answer to the left of the #.
}, subprob = "-a")
# In the above, don't worry about the "subprob" argument. That is just
# part of the problem naming and numbering system.
# Another exercise: Return all the values in w that
# occur at the same position as the NAs in z.
}, subprob = "-b")
# Another exercise: Return a vector which is like z, but in which all
# the non-missing values have been multiplied by 2.5 and all the missing
# values (NAs) have been turned into -1's
}, subprob = "-c")
# Last subproblem: Modify z so that every NA gets replaced by the value
# in the same position in the vector w
}, subprob = "-d")
About Euclidean distance
If you have two vectors p = (p1, …, pn) and q = (q1, …, qn) that describe two points in an n-dimensional space, the Euclidean Distance between the points is defined as:
d(p,q) = \biggl( \sum_{i=1}^n (p_i - q_i)^2 \biggr)^{\frac{1}{2}}
The next problem asks you to compute Euclidean distance between two vectors.
Homework Set 2, #3: “euclidean-distance”
# Let p and q be two vectors defining points in a 20-dimensional space:
p <- c(-1,1) * rnorm(20, mean=6, sd=2)
q <- c(-1,1) * rnorm(20, mean=6, sd=2)
# return the Euclidean distance between p and q. Note that if you are
# not familiar with the sum() function you should read about it in the
# help files by typing "?sum" at your R prompt.
Homework Set 2, #4: “bin-comp-combo”
# let a, b, and c be the following vectors:
a <- sample(letters, 100, replace = TRUE)
b <- rnorm(100)
c <- sample(1:1000, 100)
# return all the values in c that correspond to positions in
# the vectors where:
# values in a are between "g" and "m", inclusive, alphabetically
# values in b are less than -1.5 or greater than 1.0
# For checking, your result should have length 6.
Homework Set 2, #5: “indexing-and-recycling”
# f is capital letters of the alphabet
# Index f with a logical vector (using recycling) to return every
# third element in f (i.e. elements 3, 6, 9,...)
}, subprob = "-a")
# Use recycling with a logical vector
# to return every 3rd element in f, starting on element number 2 (i.e.
# get elements 2, 5, 8, ...)
}, subprob = "-b")
# A new problem: Given the vector:
g <- 10:21
# Multiply every odd number in g by 2 and every even number
# in g by 3. Use recycling. Write as short an expression as
# possible
}, subprob = "-c")
Homework Set 2, #6: “using-names”
# here are some names of salmon populations in CA and OR:
pops <- c("Eel_R", "Russian_R", "Klamath_IGH_fa", "Trinity_H_sp", "Smith_R", "Chetco_R", "Cole_Rivers_H", "Applegate_Cr", "Coquille_R", "Umpqua_sp", "Siuslaw_R")
# each one of these populations belongs to a so-called
# "reporting-unit" which may include multiple populations.
# Here are the reporting units corrsponding to the populations in pops:
repunits <- c("CaliforniaCoast", "CaliforniaCoast", "KlamathR", "KlamathR", "NCaliforniaSOregonCoast", "NCaliforniaSOregonCoast", "RogueR", "RogueR", "MidOregonCoast", "MidOregonCoast", "MidOregonCoast")
# here are the populations-of-origin for 25 fish caught
# in a fishery off the coast of california:
fish_seq <- sample(pops, 25, replace = TRUE)
# Problem (a): Instead of knowing the sequence of salmon populations, some
# fishery managers want you to give them the sequence of *reporting units*.
# Return a vector of length 25 (same length as fish_seq) that gives the sequence of reporting units
# of the fish in fish_seq. Do this by setting the names attribute of
# repunits to be the pops and then indexing that vector with fish_seq.
}, subprob = "-a")
# Now, 20 more fish were caught and their lengths measured in mm. Those
# lengths are recorded in fish_len, and the populations from which those
# fish came from are recorded in the names attribute of fish_len
fish_len <- floor(rnorm(20, mean = 700, sd = 90))
names(fish_len) <- sample(pops, 20, replace = TRUE)
# Problem (b): Create a new vector equal to fish_len, but give it
# names that are the reporting units corresponding to the
# fish_len populations. Call it fish_lr, and, after creating it
# return it.
}, subprob = "-b")
# Problem (c): Extract the lengths of the 9 fish from the MidOregonCoast
# reporting unit. Don't do this by hand! Use a tidy expression (like indexing
# on the basis of a comparison of the names attribute of fish_lr)
}, subprob = "-c")
# Bonus question: Why can't you get those 9 fish lengths by doing this: fish_len["MidOregonCoast"] ?
Sorting in R
We are going to talk briefly about sorting in R. There are two main functions used for sorting: sort
and order
The sort
function returns a sorted version of its input vector. For example:
r <- c(4, 7, 1, 3, 12) # not sorted
sort(r) # returns all the elements of r in sorted order
#> [1] 1 3 4 7 12
This is useful when all you want to do is sort a single vector on the basis of its elements. However, much of the time when one is sorting data, you will be sorting one vector on the basis of a different vector. The sort
function is not useful for that. Instead you can use the order
The order
function returns the indices which, if used to index its argument, would put it in sorted order. So, for example:
r <- c(4, 7, 1, 3, 12) # not sorted (same vector as above)
order(r) # indices that would extract elements from r in sorted order
#> [1] 3 4 1 2 5
# note that you can achieve the same things as sort(r) with
# r[order(r)]:
#> [1] 1 3 4 7 12
#> [1] 1 3 4 7 12
is considerably more versatile. We’ll do a quick problem on it.
Homework Set 2, #7: “using-order”
# Imagine you have measured the weights (in kg) and lengths (in mm) of
# 20 fish and recorded them in the variables wt and len.
wt <- round(rnorm(20, mean = 15, sd = 3), digits = 1)
len <- wt * 53 + floor(rnorm(20, mean = 0, sd = 50))
# and let the population from which the fish arrive come be recorded in
# the variable wpop
wpop <- sample(c("Eel_R", "Russian_R", "Klamath_IGH_fa", "Trinity_H_sp", "Smith_R", "Chetco_R", "Cole_Rivers_H", "Applegate_Cr", "Coquille_R", "Umpqua_sp", "Siuslaw_R"), 20, replace = TRUE)
# Problem (a): Return the vector wt sorted alphabetically
# on the population that each fish came from.
}, subprob = "-a")
# Problem (b): Return len sorted in DECREASING order of the
# weight of each fish. (do ?order to learn about sorting in increasing
# vs decreasing order.)
}, subprob = "-b")
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