This function uses the observed recombination fractions such as those in the data object RecRates. These are observed recombination fractions in a series of adjacent small bins that are defined by a start position start_pos and ending position end_pos. This function operates on the recombination rates for only a single chromosome at a time, so it will typically be wrapped up inside a purrr::map() function to operate over multiple chromosomes.

recomb_point(M, at_least_one = TRUE)



a tibble that has the columns start_pos, end_pos, and rec_prob (where rec_prob is the probability of a recombination occurring during meiosis within the interval defined by start_pos and end_pos.


if this is TRUE then at least one recombination occurs on every chromosome (see Details). If FALSE then the total number of recombinations is simulated as a Poisson r.v. with mean equal to the sum of the recombination fractions.


Returns a numeric vector of recombination breakpoints along the chromome. The values are sorted in ascending order.


There are two main modes by which this function operates. If at_least_one == TRUE, then the chromosome will always have at least one recombination. In this case, the position of that first recombination is chosen according to the recombination rates. Subsequently, the remaining number of recombinations is chosen by the random variable Y, which is the greater of zero and X - 1, where X is a Poisson r.v. with mean given by the sum of the recombination fractions. These additional recombinations are placed randomly according to the rec_probs but without interference.

If at_least_one == FALSE then the total number of recombinations is simulated as a Poisson r.v. with mean equal to the sum of the recombination fractions. Again, their placement assumes no interference.

Locations within each bin are chosen uniformly. These locations are represented as real numbers (rather than as integers) and those are used for describing segments, as well. This simplifies matters such as condensing information about multiple recombinations that occurred at the same base pair. In practice, this will have negligible effects, since it is so unlikely that a recombination will ever occur in the same place.

If no recombination occurs, this just returns a zero-length numeric vector.


# for an example, create a tibble of bins, roughly 1 Mb each,
# on a chromosome of length roughly 150 Mb, and we assign each
# a rec_prob around 0.01
ends <- seq(1e6, 150e6, by = 1e6)
ends <- ends + floor(runif(length(ends), min = -1e4, max = 1e4))
M <- tibble::tibble(
    start_pos = c(0, ends[-length(ends)] + 1),
    end_pos = ends,
    rec_prob = abs(rnorm(length(ends), 0.01, 0.004))
#> [1]  10297418  67986060 130795677