Statistical inference for CKMR estimation

Paul B. Conn

The Wildlife Society CKMR Workshop, Sunday November 6, 2022


  • ERRO Revisited
  • Parent-offspring probabilities
  • Half-sib probabilities
  • Types of models: age-structured vs. adult-only
  • Addressing assumption violations through comparison restrictions
  • Addressing assumption violations through modeling
  • Data formatting
  • Pseudo-likelihood & optimization
  • Application to weirded seals

ERRO revisited

Expected Relative Reproductive Output (ERRO)

Ratio of expected reproductive output (# offspring) of a potential parent to the total expected reproductive output of the population in the year of a potential offspring’s birth.

\[\begin{equation*} ERRO_i(y) = \frac{R_i(y)}{R_+(y)} \end{equation*}\]


  • \(R_i(y)\) is the expected reproductive output of individaul \(i\) in year \(y\)

  • \(R_+(y)\) is the total reproductive output of the population in year \(y\)

ERRO revisited

In terms of practical parameters (and functions of parameters), calculation of ERRO depends on:

  1. age-specific abundances in the year of interest,
  2. expected reproductive output of age \(a\) animals

Assuming a 50/50 sex ratio, and that we’re interested in computing ERRO for mother \(i\) in the year of \(j\)’s birth (relative to females only) is:

\[\begin{equation*} ERRO_i (b_j) = \frac{R_i(b_j)}{R_+(b_j)} = \frac{I_{ij} f_{a_i(b_j)}}{\sum_a 0.5 N_{b_j,a} f_a} \end{equation*}\]


  • \(f_a\) is fecundity of age \(a\) females (i.e. expected number of offspring)

  • \(N_{t,a}\) is the abundance of age \(a\) individuals at time \(t\)

  • \(a_i(b_j)\) is the age of individual \(i\) in the year of \(j\)’s birth.

  • \(I_{ij}\) is an indicator taking on 1.0 if individual \(i\) was alive in year \(b_j\) and is zero otherwise

POP probabilities

In the case where we know ages perfectly, the probability of a mother-offspring pair (MOP) is exactly ERRO!!

\[\begin{equation*} p_{ij} | b_i, b_j, d_i = ERRO_i(b_j) = \frac{I_{ij} f_{a_i(b_j)}}{\sum_a 0.5 N_{b_j,a} f_a} \end{equation*}\]

  • We will often make different calculations for MOPs and FOPs (father-offspring pairs) owing to different fecundity schedules (and perhaps survival schedules).

  • When ages are uncertain, ERRO \(\ne\) \(p_{ij}\) because we must integrate over possible ages of animals (stay tuned…)

HSP probabilities

Half-sibling pairs are trickier, but still make use of ERRO!! Since we don’t observe the parent (\(h\)), or know when it dies, we must sum over probabilities for each possible parent alive at time \(b_i\)

\[\begin{eqnarray*} p_{ij} | b_i, b_j & = & \sum_{h} \frac{R_h(b_i)}{R_+(b_i)} \frac{R_h(b_j)}{R_+(b_j)} \end{eqnarray*}\]

  • We’ll again often break thinks down by maternal- and/or paternal HSPs (MHSPs, PHSPs)

HSP probabilities

Assuming a 50/50 sex ratio, and \(b_i<b_j\), a maternal HSP (MHSP) probability could be

\[\begin{eqnarray*} p_{ij} | b_i, b_j & = & \sum_{h \in \mathcal{F}_{b_i}} \frac{f_{a_h(b_i)}}{\sum_a 0.5 N_{b_i,a} f_a} \times \phi_h({b_i \rightarrow b_j}) \times \frac{ f_{a_h(b_j)}}{\sum_a 0.5 N_{b_j,a} f_a} \end{eqnarray*}\]

  • \(\mathcal{F}_{b_i}\) the set of all females alive at \(b_i\)

  • \(\phi_h({b_i \rightarrow b_j})\) is the probability that potential mother \(h\) survives from the time of \(i\)’s birth to the time of \(j\)’s birth

HSP probabilities

Assuming a 50/50 sex ratio, a maternal HSP (MHSP) probability could be

\[\begin{eqnarray*} p_{ij} | b_i, b_j & = & \sum_{h} \frac{f_{a_h(b_i)}}{\sum_a 0.5 N_{b_i,a} f_a} \times \phi_h({b_i \rightarrow b_j}) \times \frac{ f_{a_h(b_j)}}{\sum_a 0.5 N_{b_j,a} f_a} \\ & = & \sum_a \frac{0.5 N_{b_i,a} f_a}{\sum_{a^\prime} 0.5 N_{b_i,a^\prime} f_{a^\prime}} \left( \prod_{t=b_i}^{b_j-1} S_{ta} \right) \frac{ f_{a+\delta_{ij}}}{\sum_{a^\prime} 0.5 N_{b_j,a^\prime} f_{a^\prime}} \\ & = & \sum_a \frac{N_{b_i,a} f_a}{\sum_{a^\prime} N_{b_i,a^\prime} f_{a^\prime}} \left( \prod_{t=b_i}^{b_j-1} S_{ta} \right) \frac{ f_{a+\delta_{ij}}}{\sum_{a^\prime} 0.5 N_{b_j,a^\prime} f_{a^\prime}} \end{eqnarray*}\]

  • \(S_{ta}\) is annual survival for age \(a\) animals in year \(t\)
  • \(\delta_{ij} = b_j - b_i\)

Types of models: age-structured vs. adult-only

So far, we’ve written probabilities in terms of

  • Age-specific fecundity (this will also likely be sex-specific!)
  • Age- and time-specific abundance
  • Age (and maybe time- or sex-specific) survival

Types of models: age-structured vs. adult-only

So far, we’ve written probabilities in terms of

  • Age-specific fecundity (this will also likely be sex-specific!)
  • Age- and time-specific abundance
  • Age (and maybe time- or sex-specific) survival

This is way too many parameters to estimate with close-kin data!!

And remember, we can’t make inference about immature survival or abundance using CKMR data!

Types of models: age-structured vs. adults-the-same

Two commonly used approaches:

(1) A complete age-structured model, where immature survival probabilities are provided by the analyst (constant values, priors)

  • Leslie matrix style
  • Initial age structure set to stable age/stage proportions
  • Initial abundance, adult survival and possibly fecundity-at-age estimated
  • Population trend and later abundances emergent properties of population model

Types of models: age-structured vs. adults-the-same

Two commonly used approaches:

(1) A complete age-structured model, where immature survival probabilities are provided by the analyst (constant values, priors)

  • Leslie matrix style
  • Initial age structure set to stable age/stage proportions
  • Initial abundance, adult survival and possibly fecundity-at-age estimated
  • Population trend and later abundances emergent properties of population model

(2) An adults-only model, where we treat adults as all equal, regardless of age

  • “Knife-edged maturity”

Change this

Types of models: age-structured vs. adults-the-same

Two commonly used approaches:

(1) A complete age-structured model, where immature survival probabilities are provided by the analyst (constant values, priors)

  • Leslie matrix style
  • Initial age structure set to stable age/stage proportions
  • Initial abundance, adult survival and possibly fecundity-at-age estimated
  • Population trend and later abundances emergent properties of population model

(2) An adults-only model, where we treat adults as all equal, regardless of age

  • “Knife-edged maturity”

Into this!! Model adult = 5+ abundance and survival only

Types of models: age-structured vs. adults-the-same

Advantages and disadvantages:

(1) A complete age-structured model, where immature survival probabilities are provided by the analyst (constant values, priors)

  • More “realistic”
  • Dependent on good life history info for immature animals
  • More adaptable (aging error, etc.)
  • Harder to program

(2) An adults-only model, where we treat adults as all equal, regardless of age

  • Calculations much easier! (next slide)
  • Include adult abundance and trend directly in the likelihood
  • Harder to adapt to aging error, etc.
  • May have to throw out some PO pairs (where parent is not an “adult” according to age cutoff)

Types of models: age-structured vs. adults-the-same

Simple model where \(N_{t+1}^{Ad} = \lambda N_t^{Ad}\)


\[\begin{eqnarray*} \text{Age-structured: } p_{ij} | b_i, b_j, d_i & = & \frac{I_{ij} f_{a_i(b_j)}}{\sum_a 0.5 N_{b_j,a} f_a} \\ \text{Adults-only: } p_{ij}^* | b_i, b_j, d_i & = & \frac{I_{ij} }{0.5 N_t^{Ad}} \end{eqnarray*}\]

MHSP: \[\begin{eqnarray*} \text{Age-structured: } p_{ij} | b_i, b_j & = & \sum_a \frac{N_{b_i,a} f_a}{\sum_{a^\prime} N_{b_i,a^\prime} f_{a^\prime}} \left( \prod_{t=b_i}^{b_j-1} S_{ta} \right) \frac{ f_{a+\delta_{ij}}}{\sum_{a^\prime} 0.5 N_{b_j,a^\prime} f_{a^\prime}} \\ \text{Adults-only: } p_{ij}^* | b_i, b_j & = & \frac{N_{b_i}^{Ad}}{N_{b_i}^{Ad}} \left( \prod_{t=b_i}^{b_j-1} S_t \right)\frac{1}{0.5 N_{b_j}^{Ad}} \\ & = & \frac{\prod_{t=b_i}^{b_j-1} S_t}{0.5 N_{b_j}^{Ad}} \end{eqnarray*}\]

Addressing assumption violations through comparison restrictions

We’ll often want to remove comparisons (and, yes kin matches too!) for encounters that are likely to violate CKMR assumptions:

  • Dependence of fates between mothers and possibly dependent young

    • Do not make comparisons involving animals harvested the year they were born
    • Do not make comparisons with adult females and others that were born in the year of the adult females harvest
  • Limit half-sibling comparisons to cross cohort comparisons [if ages are reliable]

  • Perhaps just ignore adult males as parents (okay to look for their mothers) if major dominance

  • Perhaps ignore half-sibling comparisons entirely if there tend to be a lot of full siblings

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Aging error

So far, we’ve assumed aging error is known with certainty. Often it is anything but!!

In order to model it, we really need to have an aging error model. i.e., given true age \(a\), what is the probability of aging an animal as age \(\tilde{a}\)? Call this distribution \([\tilde{a}|a]\).

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Aging error

How to get the aging error distribution, \([\tilde{a}|a]\)?

  • Gold standard (subset of animals with known ages) - allows you to estimate bias in aging method (Conn & Diefenbach 2007)

  • Multiple age readings from a subset of animals - allows you to estimate precision of the aging criterion but need to assume age readings are unbiased (Fisheries papers like Richards et al. 1992)

Summaries from aging labs from individual teeth will not typically be sufficient to get a handle on aging error!

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Aging error

According to Bayes rule,

\[\begin{equation*} [a_i | \tilde{a}_i] \propto [\tilde{a}_i | a_i] [a_i] \end{equation*}\]

That is, the probability that an animal is truly aged \(a_i\), given that it was assigned age \(\tilde{a}_i\) is a product of the aging error model and a prior distribution on age!


\(\pi_a\) \(s_a\) \(\pi_a s_a\) \(Pr(a_i)\)
0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.3 1.0 0.3 0.6
0.2 1.0 0.2 0.4
  • \(\pi_a\) is the expected proportion of age \(a\) animals in the population (e.g., from stable age calculations)

  • \(s_a\) is the selectivity / relative detection probability of age \(a\) animals

  • \(\rightarrow\) We’ll likely need to know, assume, or set a prior for \(s_a\)!!

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Aging error

Assuming we have data to estimate aging error distributions and a prior distribution of ages, we can implement a CKMR model that sums across the possibility of different age combinations

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Aging error

Assuming we have data to estimate aging error distributions and a prior distribution of ages, we can implement a CKMR model that sums across the possibility of different age combinations

\(p_{ij} = \sum_{a_i} \sum_{a_j} w_{a_i,a_j} \tilde{p}_{ij}\)

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Cross cohort HSPs

We’ll still want to eliminate these where possible (e.g., don’t compare young-of-year harvested in same year), but when we have aging error, assigning cohorts is imperfect!

  • We can use knowledge of the mating system to describe the probability of getting an HSP born in the same year

  • We’ll need to account for the distribution of litter sizes, expected proportion of half-siblings / full-siblings in same litter

  • The probability of HSPs born in the same year will usually be low for most harvested mammals!

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Imperfect HSP determinations

If HSP analysis is even possible (it might not be if there is a high frequency of full sibs), it is still often difficult to fully discriminate half-siblings from lower order kin (half-nibling, etc.). False positives really foul things up, so need to account for this somehow.

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Imperfect HSP determinations

If HSP analysis is even possible (it might not be if there is a high frequency of full sibs), it is still often difficult to fully discriminate half-siblings from lower order kin (half-nibling, etc.). False positives really foul things up, so need to account for this somehow.

  • Pick a threshold, \(t\), so that PLOD scores to the right have a low probability of belonging to lower order kin.

  • Calculate \(\alpha = \int_t^\infty \text{Normal}(\mu_{HSP},\sigma^2_{HSP})\)

  • Remove HSP kin pairs with PLODs \(<t\) from the analysis!

  • Replace \(p_{ij}\) for HSPs with \(p_{ij}^\prime = \alpha p_{ij}\)

  • Conduct analysis as usual!

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Parental sex uncertainty (HSPs)

  • In many cases, male and female may have different reproductive and mortality schedules so need to be treated differently

  • For HSPs, mtDNA can be used to infer parental sex if mt-haplotype diversity is high

  • If there are a limited number of haplotypes, sharing mtDNA is not a definitive sex determination…we’re back in mixture model land!

  • Use frequency of each haplotype (\(\tau_x\)) to determine probabilities of sex (Bayes rule again!)

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Obligate skip breeding

What if a mother can’t reproduce while raising young?

  • Doesn’t really impact POP calculations
  • Does impact HSP calculations. For instance, \(Pr(Y_{ij})=0\) whenever \(b_j - b_i < \text{inter-birth interval}\)

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Heterogeneity in reproductive success

In CKMR analysis, all we have to go on is observed covariates (which hopefully includes age or a proxy). If there is considerable heterogeneity in reproductive success that can’t be explained by covariates, the number of effective adults may be \(<<\) than the census number of adults.

In mammals, this is more likely to be an issue with males (dominance)


  • Leave paternal comparisons out

  • Leave them in and model the number of effective male breeders as \(\tilde{N}^M_t = \kappa N^M_t\), where \(0 \le \kappa \le 1\).

  • Males unlikely to provide much demographic information, but \(\kappa\) might be of interest in its own right!

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Spatial heterogeneity in relatedness

  • Only an issue if the probability of sampling an individual varies spatially

  • Has been addressed using compartment models (several discrete areas) in bluefin tuna models

  • No continuous space analogue yet (ala spatial capture-recapture)

  • Need to know something about movement, and also have a model for how abundance varies over space to calculate ERRO spatially

  • There’s a poster at TWS that might be worth checking out (Gilia Patterson, OSU)

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Grandparent-grandchild pairs

We don’t actually observe HSPs, but a combination of HSPs and grandparent-grandchild pairs (same idb)

Two approaches:

  • Restrict comparisons to those that involve birth dates differences shorter than \(2 \times\) the age of sexual maturity

  • Model GGHSPs as a mixture!

Addressing assumption violations through modeling

Grandparent-grandchild pairs

  • mtDNA again has something to say!

  • Calculation differs depending on whether GGHSP shares mtDNA or not, sex of older animal

  • Ugly, but can be written out. E.g.

\[ Pr(GGP,m_{ij}=1|s_i=0,d_i,b_i,b_j) = \sum_{t=b_i}^{\min(d_i,b_j)} \frac{f_{t-b_i} N_{b_j,b_j-t}}{\sum_a f_a N_{t,a}} \frac{ 2 f_{b_j-t}}{\sum_a f_a N_{b_j,a}} \]

Data formatting

You’ve got kin! Now what?!

Data formatting

Hopefully at this stage data are cleaned to some degree. One wants to start with something like this…

ID Age Sample_year Sex Cov1…
WS1 5 2018 F loc1
WS2 2 2020 M loc2

And then a file giving kin matches like

WS1 WS356 1 0
WS32 WS111 0 1

Data formatting

An interlude: Sufficient statistics in mark-recapture and mark-recovery models

  • Prior to the early 2000s, mark-recapture analysis was done with sufficient statistics (i.e., \(m_{ij}\) arrays) like in the Table below from Hestbeck et al. (1993)

  • Different sizes of arrays for different models

  • Not easily extensible / amenable to individual covariates

Data formatting

An interlude: Sufficient statistics in mark-recapture and mark-recovery models

  • In the early 2000s, things largely changed over to encounter history modeling. Individual covariates were easier to implement this way and computational abilities of PCs had increased to make this feasible
100010 1 27.6;
111000 1 34.2; 
  • Lowest common denominator!!

Data formatting

Recall the general form for CKMR pseudo-likelihood

\(\prod_i \prod_{j>i} p_{ij}^{y_{ij}} (1-p_{ij})^{1-y_{ij}}\)

However, if we conduct inference for each individual separately with this naive pseudo-likelihood we have \(\binom{n}{2}\) comparisons!

n # comparisons
500 124,750
1000 499,500
2000 1,999,000
10000 49,950,000

\(\rightarrow\) Maybe not too bad with small sample sizes, but extremely problematic for large ones particularly when likelihood calculations are costly.

Data formatting

Unfortunately, we’re going to have to retreat into sufficient statistics land!

In particular, we’ll summarize (# of comparisons, # of successes) as a function of relevant covariates to our analysis. These often include things like

  • birth year of older animal (\(b_1\))
  • birth year of younger animal (\(b_2\))
  • death year of older animal (\(y_1\))
  • sex of older animal (\(s_1\))
  • location of harvest

Data formatting



\(L_{pop} \propto \prod_{b_1} \prod_{b_2} \prod_{y_1} \prod_s p_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}^{m_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}} (1-p_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s})^{n_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}-m_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}}\)


  • \(n_{blah, blah}\) is the number of comparisons with blah, blah covariates
  • \(m_{blah, blah}\) is the number of kin matches with blah, blah covariates

Let’s say we’re looking at a 20 year study where the max age of an animal is 20 years old. Then we’ll probably want to run a CKMR model for 40 years. We thus have to potentially perform 40 years \(\times\) 40 years \(\times\) 20 years \(\times\) 2 sexes = 64,000 calculations per likelihood evaluation. However, in practice, this can often be improved on by eliminating impossible combinations (e.g., \(b_1 \ge b_2\), \(y_1 < b_2\), \(n_{blah,bah}=0\), etc.)

Format close-kin data into arrays of comparisons & matches

  • vast computational improvement!
  • the number of calculations does not depend on sample size!

Pseudo-likelihood and optimization

In general in statistics, we optimize the likelihood by minimizing the negative log-likelihood as a function of parameters \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\). This is the approach we’ll take here, sometimes putting priors on parameters (so minimizing a negative log-posterior).

\(L_{pop}|\boldsymbol{\theta} \propto \prod_{b_1} \prod_{b_2} \prod_{y_1} \prod_s p_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}^{m_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}} (1-p_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s})^{n_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}-m_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}}\)

\(NLL_{pop}|\boldsymbol{\theta} \propto \sum_{b_1} \sum_{b_2} \sum_{y_1} \sum_s m_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s} \log(p_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}) + (n_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}-m_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}) \log (1-p_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s})\)

  • For “simple” models, log-likelihoods can be written and minimized in R

  • For “complicated” models, we’ll often want some type of auto-differentiation procedure to minimize the negative log-likelihood (e.g. TMB + nlminb)

  • Values for \(p_{b_1,b_2,y_1,s}\) can get very small. We’ll want to prevent numerical underflow by doing something like \(\log(p+(p==0))\)

  • May also want to consider a Poisson approx. to the binomial

  • For models with POPs and HSPs, minimize \(NLL_{pop}+NLL_{hsp}\)!

Pseudo-likelihood and optimization

  • For POP-only models, \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) can include adult abundance and fecundity-at-age schedules (there is typically much less info about the latter; probably worth specifying a prior)

  • For HSP-only models, \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) can include adult abundance and adult survival

  • These parameters enter into the likelihood through \(p_{blah,blah}\)

Bearded seal example

  • POPs + GGHSP

  • Out of \(\approx 1500\) samples, 2 POPs, 8 maternal GGHSPs, 17 paternal GGHSPs

  • Age structured CKMR model

  • Assume fixed fecundity-at-age (females), maturity-at-age (males) schedules; prior distribution on mortality

Bearded seal example

  • Penalty if \(\lambda\) differs from target value (typically 1.0)

  • Tried one model with reduced adult male abundance reflecting heterogeneity in male repro success

  • Tried several thresholds for HSP PLOD scores

Bearded seal example

  • Negative log-pseudo-likelihoods coded in TMB

  • ‘nlminb’ in R used to minimize NLPLs

\(\lambda\) HSP cutoff Male het? \(\approx \hat{N}\) \(\approx CV\)
1.00 40 no 230000 0.25
1.00 40 yes 410000 0.35
1.00 50 no 260000 0.20
1.00 30 no 200000 0.20
1.02 40 no 240000 0.20
0.98 40 no 230000 0.20

Bearded seal example

Updated survival priors: lower maximum survival, but reduced senescent effect

Bearded seal example

Some thoughts…

  • Uncertainty almost certainly underestimated

  • Estimates are mostly lower than those expected from comprehensive aerial surveys (400-500K)

  • What population are we estimating??